Feb 15, 2011

Role of Statistics in Quantitative Research

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Paradigama research with quantitative approach is a research approach that rests on the view of positivism which essentially focuses on the things that are concrete, empirical tests and the real facts.

This paradigm believes that the only knowledge (knowledge) is valid is the science of knowledge (science), that is knowledge which originated and is based on experience (experience) are caught and processed through the senses by reason (reason). Therefore, in practice, research with this quantitative approach to give meaning through interpretation of statistical figures or not through language or culture.

Statistics in quantitative research approach is one of the main component in the research stages, ranging from the preparation of research, data collection techniques, data processing until the effort to make the decisions / conclusions scientifically. Thus the statistics in the study with quantitative approach has a fairly dominant role in expediting the achievement of research objectives.

With regard to the role of these statistics, then at least there are four roles in research, among others:

First, the role of statistics in the Determination of Sample Research. The purpose of sampling techniques is to produce a representative sample of the population and obtain an adequate sample size to do the research. In relation to this role, statistics provides techniques and specific formulas in order to obtain samples reperesentatif and adequate sample size.

Second, the role of statistics in the development of data retrieval tool. Before a person uses a device makers the data, he must have the assurance that the device he uses it with quality. The quality of data collection tools can be viewed from the side of validity and reliability. Therefore each data collection tools need to be tested by validity and relibilitasnya, and the best way to test vasliditas and reliability of data collection tools is to use statistical methods.

Third, the role of statistics in a Presenting data. Data collected through specific data collection technique is still raw data, therefore, that data was more communicative it must be presented in such a way that data is easy to read or understood. In connection with efforts to display the data to be easily read and understood, then the statistics provide specific techniques in processing data and presenting data, with descriptive statistical methods.

Fourth, the role of Statistics in Data Analysis or Testing Hypotheses. The ultimate goal in research is the conclusion as an ingredient to make a decision. In order to obtain results valid and reliable research, statistics have also developed a specific calculation techniques and develop various methods to test hypotheses that could help researchers. Statistical analysis of data that discuss or test this hypothesis is inferential statistical methods.

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